Yolanda Spearman

Voice Talent, Author, Trainer.

Bold. Powerful. Thoughtful. And Always

Black girl magical


Progress and Pain

by | May 16, 2023 | voiceover

Progress often equals pain. This is such an awkward truth, but I remember when I was working to lose weight, it sucks when you wake up the next day. Every muscle in your body feels like HELLO YOU MADE ME DO SOMETHING I DIDN’T LIKE…… It hurts so bad, but the progress makes you look and feel good.  

Life offers us opportunities to do and be whatever we desire – but it takes work, and sometimes it doesn’t feel good. I remember when I thought my voiceovers were the best, and I got feedback that the sound quality was awful. Initially, the feedback made me angry. I reacted badly. Then I took a step back, quieted my ego, and listened. When I accepted the information, my business took off. Now I look forward to those uncomfortable moments because I understand that I am just building more muscle.  

Whatever you choose to do, understand that it takes time to become the best, and it’s not an insult when someone gives you constructive criticism. This means they are offering you advice to help you improve. These are not nasty comments to belittle or chastise.  

So how do you connect to your best self? 

  1.  Do your work! Take time to listen with your third ear…. That would be your heart. Listen with the intent to understand. 
  2. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. The more you stretch yourself, the better you will become. 
  3. Take a deep breath and then go for it. You have been preparing for these moments your entire life. There will never be a time when you are this young, this able, this focused on THIS thing. Do it before the excitement wears off.  
  4. Ask questions along the way. Touch base with those who love you. They will give you quality advice. 

When you find yourself close to a new level in your career, you can bet that there will be some pain along the way.  Just remember sometimes with progress comes a little pain. YOU GOT THIS! 


-Yolanda Spearman (A.K.A. “The Voiceover Lady”) 


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